240 Napropamide Napropamide
DEVRINOL® 2-XT Herbicide is a surface-applied herbicide, scientifically enhanced to allow for longer incorporation time without compromising efficacy. With over 20 years of proven results, DEVRINOL controls grasses and broadleaf weeds with excellent crop safety and is also tank-mix friendly with other herbicides.
For a full list of crops and application directions, refer to the product label.
Always read and follow label directions.
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Napropamide – 240g per litre
Apply after the desired number of daughter plants have become established. Do not apply from bloom to harvest. One application per season. Apply 18.75 L per broadcast hectare to the soil surface. Apply in the fall through early spring before weed emergence.
Weeds controlled: Annual bluegrass, Barnyard grass, Foxtail, Large crabgrass, Sanbur, Wild oats, Chickweed, small-flowered mallow (from seed), Annual sow-thistle, Groundsel, Pineapple weed, Redroot pigweed, Prickly lettuce, Prostrate knotweed, Purslane, Storks bill, Lamb’s quarters
Apply 18.75 L of DEVRINOL 2-XT per broadcast hectare. Apply in fall through early spring prior to weed emergence.
Weeds controlled: Annual bluegrass, Barnyard grass, Foxtail, Large crabgrass, Sanbur, Wild oats, Chickweed, small-flowered mallow (from seed), Annual sow-thistle, Groundsel, Pineapple weed, Redroot pigweed, Prickly lettuce, Prostrate knotweed, Purslane, Storks bill, Lamb’s quarters
Apply one application per season of 18.75 L of DEVRINOL 2-XT per broadcast hectare in a band. Apply in the fall through early spring prior to weed emergence. Do not apply to frozen ground. Do not apply within 70 days of harvest.
Apply 18.75 L of DEVRINOL 2-XT per broadcast hectare in late fall/early spring when blueberries are dormant. Make only one application per season. Do not apply within 70 days of harvest.
Apply 18.75 – 27.92 L of DEVRINOL 2-XT per hectare. Make only one application per year as a broadcast application. Application should be made in late winter (BC only) or spring. Fall application is prohibited. If rainfall does not occur after treatment, irrigate with sufficient water to wet the soil to a maximum depth of 10cm.
DEVRINOL 2-XT can be applied to cranberry by chemigation.
Apply DEVRINOL 2-XT at a rate of 4.58 – 9.17 L/ha in 200-900 L water/ha. One application per year by ground or preplant incorporated. Usual rotational crop restrictions apply. Do not plan until 12 months after the last DEVRINOL 2-XT application.
CAUTION: Use of DEVRINOL 2-XT at the high label rates of application may result in temporary crop stunting or retardation. However, crops will outgrow the injury and yield is unaffected
To avoid injury to crops not specified on the label, do not plant until 12 months after the last DEVRINOL 2-XT application.
Asparagus (seedlings and new plantings)
Apply to the soil surface 9.38 – 18.75 L of DEVRINOL 2-XT per broadcast hectare pre-emergent to crop and weeds. Refer to WEEDS CONTROLLED lists on the label for listed weeds and use of appropriate rate. Make only one application per season. Use the lower rate on light soils (coarse textured-sandy and sandy-loam). For best results, irrigate if rainfall does not occur within two days after application.
Tomatoes (direct seeded and transplanted)
Apply and incorporate before planting 4.69 to 9.38 L DEVRINOL 2-XT per broadcast hectare. Use the lower rate on light soils (coarse textured-sandy and sandy-loam). On flat-planted or bedded crops apply, before planting, to well-worked soil that is dry enough to permit thorough incorporation to a depth of 2.5-5 cm. Incorporate the same day as applied, using equipment which will result in uniform incorporation of the herbicide to the desired depth. If broadleaf weeds not listed on the label become a problem during the growing season, follow with a sequential application of a registered broadleaf herbicide.
For control of broadleaf weeds and grasses, apply DEVRINOL 2-XT at a rate of 4.69 – 9.38 L/ha pre-emergent or pre-plant incorporated. Use the lower rate on light soils (coarse textured-sandy and sandy-loam). One application per year by ground only, PHI 60 days. Usual rotational crop restrictions apply.
CAUTION: Use of DEVRINOL 2-XT at the high label rates of application may result in temporary crop stunting or retardation. However, crops will outgrow the injury and yield is unaffected.
Apply DEVRINOL 2-XT at a rate of 4.58 - 9.17 L/ha in 200-900 L water/ha pre-plant incorporated; broadcast. Make only one application per season. Shepherd’s purse and Lady’s thumb may escape treatment at this rate. Do not apply within 60 days of harvest.